




Ceramographic Library

The Ceramographic Contest is sponsored by the Basic Science Division of the American Ceramic Society at the Annual Meeting. Past entries from the Rohrer research group (that we could find) can be viewed using the links on this page.


Faceted Island Grain inThermally Grooved Al203, First Place, SPM category

Templated Columnar Grain Growth, Problem Solving category

Twins in Nb-doped TiO2 , Combined Techniques category


BaTiO3 growth Surface, First Place, SPM category

Faceted Pore on the SrTiO3 Surface, Second Place, SPM category

Polygonized Rock Salt, Second Place, Optical Microscopy category

Nano-Theater in TiO2, Second Place, SEM category


How Does Domain Polarization Affect Photochemical Reactions?, Problem Solving category


Nanofacet Formation on SrTiO3 Microfacets, First Place, SPM category

Identification of the Active BaTiO3 Domains for Photochemical Reduction, First Place, Problem Solving category

Distribution of Grain Boundary Planes at Fixed Misorientations in Polycrystalline MgO, Third Place, Problem Solving category


Impinging Step Trains on an SiC Growth Surface, First Place, Optical Microscopy category

Ferroelectric Domain Decoration, Second Place, SPM category

Ferroelectric Domains in BaTiO3 Polycrystals, SPM category


Circumferential Thermal Groove at a Low-Angle Grain Boundary in MgO, First Place, SPM category


Low Angle Twist Boundary Intersecting a 6H SiC (0001) Growth Surface, First Place and Best of Show, SPM category

Screw Dislocation Core Destabilization in 6H SiC, Second Place, SPM category

6H SiC (0001) Growth Surface, First Place, Undergraduate category

Evolution of the Bi2Mo3O12 (010) Surface Following Reactions in H2, Third Place, Undergraduate category

An AFM Study of Thermal Groove Evolution in Sapphire, SPM category

AFM of Facetted Islands on A-Sapphire, SPM category


Evolution of Bi2Mo3O12 Surface During Annealing, Third Place, Undergraduate category

SPM Image Library, AFM and STM images prior to 1997.
