keyword euler_list.txt msym rotation radian 1 0 1 If Cubic, msym = 3 If Hexagonal, msym = 2 If Tetragonal, msym = 1 If Trigonal, msym = 4 If HKL default reference frame, rotation = 0 If TSL default reference frame, rotation = 1 Note: If rotation is set to 0, and msymm = 2, then 30 degree is subtracted from the third Euler angle (phi_2). This aligns the [2-1-10] direction in the hexagonal system with the x-axis It is assumed that HKL data arrives in CS1 data acquisition frame (even though the CTF will say CS0).Ê If a user is uncertain about their data, they should leave it in the unrotated, CS1 frame before exporting to CTF. If Euler angles in degrees, use radian=0 If Euler angles in radians, use radian=1 The grain boundary character distribution is written to the files gbcd.txt. The file has 9x9x9x9x36 = 236196 lines. Each line is a value in MRD units. The first value corresponds to the GBCD at phi_1 = 0, cap_phi= 0, phi_2 = 0, theta = 0, Phi = 0. Phi is then incremented, followed by theta, etc... phi_1, phi_2, and Phi are incremented in 10 degree intervals between zero and 90. cap_phi and theta are discretized into nine equal intervals of cos(theta).