gbcd_C2_1_2_063008_D-D_all.txt msym 3 plot type 4 The first line is the name of the input file. This file should be in this directory, and it should have the following properties: Each line contains a floating point number. The units of the number are in MRD. The first value corresponds to the GBCD at phi_1 = 0, cap_phi= 0, phi_2 = 0, theta = 0, Phi = 0. Phi is then incremented, followed by theta, ect... phi_1, phi_2, and Phi are incremented in 10 degree intervals between zero and 90. cap_phi and theta are discretized such that the cosine of the angle is divided into 9 equal parts. Files produced by calc_gbcd are in this format. If Cubic, msym = 3 If Hexagonal, msym = 2 If Tetragonal, msym = 1 If Trigonal, msym = 4 Plot type determines if the output is in GMT format, 3D field format, or both. If plot type = 1, then GMT if plot type = 2, then 3D field if plot type = 3, then both if plot type = 4, then GMT in fundamental zone for any other value, there is no output. The output of this program are two sets of files: 1. result_2d.dat for the plot in the format for 3D field. 2. 2d_orig_degrees.dat for the plot in the format for GMT. If GMT is installed, you can use the script "Draw_stereograms" to make plots. to run the script, use: ./Draw_stereograms 1 2d_orig_degrees 2d rainbow 0.0 2.3 0.23 where the last three numbers are the min, max, and contour spacing of the plot