cell 33 1 1 .9 1 This program fills in pores with second phase data points for .ang files. Note that you will still need to paste into the output file data for the second phase crystallography. The program is currently written to open files with less than a million points although this could be changed in the .f file The first line is the base name of your files this must be 4 characters then underscore and three numbers (sequentailly) like: abcd_NNN.txt The second line is to indicates the number of lines in the header The third line is the number of the first file in the sequence, which must must be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 98. For example, if this is 0, then the first file name is "filename_000.txt" The fourth line is the number of the last file in the sequence, which must must be greater than or equal to one and less than or equal to 99. For example, if this is 99, then the last file name is "filename_099.txt" The fifth line is the number that 'fake' phase corresponds to in TSL the last line indicates if you want the output to be on a hex grid or a square grid. Use 1 for hex and 2 for square the output will be written in files labeled "new_filename_00N.ang"