segments 1 1 31 The first line is the base name of the file that contains the line segments in the TSL output format, as in: segments_NNN.txt This name MUST be 8 characters. The second line is to indicate whether or not the segment files have headers. if 0, no header if 1, then an 8 line header is expected (and ignored) The third line is the number of the first file in the sequence, which must must be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 98. For example, if this is 0, then the first file name is "segments_000.txt" The fourth line is the number of the last file in the sequence, which must must be greater than or equal to one and less than or equal to 99. For example, if this is 99, then the last file name is "segments_099.txt" the output will be written in files labeled "triples_00N.txt" zirconia_2:3-83 and slices 62, 67-69 are missing 0-36, 39-45, 47-67