The package for energy reconstruction. It consists of 4 programs: * Torq_gen.exe in Generato, * Torq_trn.exe in Transfor, * Torq_rec.exe in Reconstr, * Read_ef.exe in Xread. !!! In reconstruction, volumes of cells are not equal! ********* Torq_gen.exe ********* - Genertates triple junction geometry for a model of energy function, - Can be modified to create files for drawing model energy function. - Because MINUIT crashes, the program is run from a batch file; after each crash the program is restarted automatically. - needs: 'symmetry.prp' - symmetry operations, 'sigma_x.dat' - location of cusps for model energy function, - creates: files with random names.dat containing geometry of junctions (direction of junction, 3 x (orientation in Euler angles, normals to boundaries)). All these files must be concateneted into 'triples.dat' which is read by Torq_trn.exe. 'Torq_con.exe' in Concater can be used to concateneted these files; read the instruction given in the source code. ********* Torq_trn.exe ********* - Prepares measurement data (direction of junction, 3 x (orientation in Euler angles, normals to boundaries)) for processing by Torq_rec.exe. - To each boundary a set of cell numbers is assigned and to each cell corresponds a set of appropriate coefficients for solving the system of linear equations. - needs: 'symmetry.prp' - symmetry operations, 'triples.dat' - geometry of junctions, measured or created by 'Torq_gen.exe'. - creates: 'triples.tmx' read by Torq_rec.exe. 'p_incell.dat' - number of experimental points in a given cell. ********* Torq_rec.exe ********* - Reconstructs the energy function from geometry of triple junctions. See A.Morawiec, Acta Mater. 48, 3525 (2000). - needs: 'triples.tmx' created by 'Torq_trn.exe'. - creates: 'energy_v.res' - file containing energy function, 'converg.res' - convergence factors. ********* Read_ef.exe ********* - Reads the recaluculated energy function and and prepares files for drawing sections of the function. - needs: 'symmetry.prp' - symmetry operations, 'energy_v.res' - created by 'Torq_rec.exe'. 'p_incell.dat' - created by 'Torq_trn.exe'. 'read.dat' - a file specifying misorientations for gamma-plot calculation. - creates: gamma-plots with filenames names specified by user in 'read.dat'.