The Grain Boundary Data Archive: Titanium, commercially pure, alpha-phase
EBSD data
Grain Boundary line segment data
Grain Boundary Character Distribution
Grain Boundary Distribution plots and Images
MetadataInformation about this Ti data, collected at Carnegie Mellon University, can be found in the following paper.
M.N. Kelly, K. Glowinski, N.T. Nuhfer, and G.S. Rohrer, "The Five Parameter Grain Boundary Character Distribution of alpha-Ti Determined from Three-Dimensional Orientation Data," Acta Materialia, 111 (2016) 22-30.
DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2016.03.029
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EBSD data
This file contains 55 slices.
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This file contains 325 slices of a larger volume.
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Grain Boundary line segment data
Not Available
Grain Boundary Character Distribution
Not Available
Grain Boundary Distribution plots and Images
3D view of both microstructures.
The distribution of grain boundary disorientations.
The distribution of grain boundary planes.
The distribution of grain boundary planes at fixed misorientations.