materials Grain Boundary Data Archive: TWIP

The Grain Boundary Data Archive: TWIP


EBSD data

Grain Boundary line segment data

Grain Boundary Character and Energy Distributions

Grain Boundary Distribution plots and Images


The data provided below was collected by Hossein Beladi of Deakin University in Geelong Australia. Some of the data was collected at Carnegie Mellon and some was collected at Deakin. The complete analysis of the data can be found in the following publication:

• H. Beladi, N.T. Nuhfer, and G.S. Rohrer, "The Five Parameter Grain Boundary Character and Energy Distributions of a Fully Austenitic High Manganese Steel Using Three Dimensional Data,"Acta Materialia, 70 (2014) 281-289.
DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2014.02.038

Altogether, three separate 3D data sets were collected. Based on the reconstruction, the final, largest set was deemed to be the highest quality and it is this set that was fully analyzed and discussed in the paper above. Below, this is the data labeled "3D_TWIP_Jan2013*"

EBSD data

The data set consists of 21 parallel slices from the first trial.
These are the original .ang files.
Download the data to your computer

The data set consists of 25 parallel slices from the second trial.
These are the original .ang files.
Download the data to your computer

The data set consists of 100 parallel slices from the third trial.
These are the original .ang files.
Download the data to your computer

Grain Boundary line segment data

This contains all of the line segments that meet at triple junctions from run 1.
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This contains all of the line segments that meet at triple junctions from run 2.
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This contains all of the line segments that meet at triple junctions from run 3.
Download the data to your computer

Grain Boundary Character and Energy Distributions

This file contains grain boundary character distribution.
Download the GBCD file to your computer

This file contains grain boundary energy distribution.
Download the GBED file to your computer

This file contains data for the correlation between the grain boundary character and energy distributions.
Download the correlation file to your computer

Download the program used to calculate the GBCD

Grain Boundary Distribution plots and Images

Download the program used to graph the GBCD

Download the program used to graph the GBED

A three dimensional reconstruction, of run 3 containing 100 slices.

The distribution of grain boundary planes at the sigma_3 misorientation.

The grain boundary energy as a function of orientation at the sigma_3 misorientation.

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