The Grain Boundary Data Archive: SrTiO3
EBSD data
Grain Boundary line segment data
Grain Boundary Character Distribution
Grain Boundary Distribution plots and Images
MetadataThe data provided below was collected by Shen Dillon and Herb Miller while at Carnegie Mellon University. The most complete description of the experimental procedures and analysis of the data can be found in the following publication:
X. Zhong, M.N. Kelly, H.M. Miller, S.J. Dillon, G.S. Rohrer, "Grain Boundary Curvatures in Polycrystalline SrTiO3: Dependence on Grain Size, Topology, and Crystallography," Journal of the American Ceramic Society, in press, (2019).
DOI: 10.1111/jace.16608
EBSD data
Download the raw data from the first volume to your computer. The data are in the form of .osc files. The compressed folder is 180 MB and contains 36 parallel sections.
Download the raw data from the second volume to your computer. The data are in the form of .osc files. The compressed folder is 396 MB and contains 40 parallel sections.
Download the data from the first volume to your computer. The data are in the form of .ang files. The compressed folder is 26.4 MB and contains 36 parallel sections.
Download the data from the second volume to your computer. The data are in the form of .ang files. The compressed folder is 58.2 MB and contains 40 parallel sections.
Download an image stack of the first volume to your computer. The data are in the form of .jpg files and contains 36 parallel sections.
Download an image stack of the second volume to your computer. The data are in the form of .jpg files and contains 40 parallel sections.
Grain Boundary line segment data
This file contains grain boundary line segments extracted from the parallel slices of the first volume.
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This file contains grain boundary line segments extracted from the parallel slices of the second volume.
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Grain Boundary Character Distribution
This file contains grain boundary character distribution.
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This file contains grain boundary energy distribution.
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Grain Boundary Distribution plots and Images
3D views of the two reconstructed volumes, IPF coloring, relative to top surface normal.
Grain boundary plane distribution, energy distribution, and curvature distribution, all independent of misorientation.
Grain boundary plane distribution, energy distribution, and curvature distribution, at a fixed misorientation of 40° around [100].
Single grain, colored by curvature and grain boundary plane orientation