Nickel Grain Boundary Velocity Data
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MetadataThe data, results, and programs posted here are described more completely in the publication:
Aditi Bhattacharya, Yu-Feng Shen, Christopher M. Hefferan, Shiu Fai Li, Jonathan Lind, Robert M. Suter, Carl E. Krill III, Gregory S. Rohrer, "Grain boundary velocity and curvature are not correlated in Ni polycrystals," Science, 374 (2021) 189-193.
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All of the data discussed in the paper is contained 5 text files. They are zipped into a single 0.9 GB archive (when unzipped, it will occupy more than 5 GB on your device).
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Microstructure Data
This 367 MB archive contains six Dream.3D files, one for each microstructural state. In these files, the data are represented as voxel arrays.
This 4.4 GB archive contains six Dream.3D files, one for each microstructural state. In these files, a grain boundary mesh is associated with each microstructure.
All of the data that goes into the figures are organized in files labeled by figure. They are zipped into a single archive.
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All of the programs used to compute the results from the data are zipped into a single archive. The read_me file provides guidance for which program is used for which figures
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read_me file
some explanations are available in the read_me file.