The Grain Boundary Data Archive: Commercially pure copper, reference and grain boundary engineered
EBSD data
Grain Boundary line segment data
Grain Boundary Character Distribution
Grain Boundary Distribution plots and Images
MetadataThis is commercially pure copper, obtained from Integran. There are two separate specimens, a reference state and a grain boundary engineered state. The data was collected at Swansea University by M. Coleman and V. Randle. A complete description of the data can be found in the follow paper.
V. Randle, G.S. Rohrer, H.M. Miller, M. Coleman, G.T. Owen, "Five-parameter grain boundary distribution of commercially grain boundary engineered nickel and copper," Acta Materialia, 56 (2008) 2363-2373.
DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2008.01.039
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EBSD data
Download the Cu reference data to your computer. The data are in the form of .ang files. The compressed folder is 123 MB.
Download the Cu grain boundary engineered data to your computer. The data are in the form of .ang files. The compressed folder is 246 MB.
Grain Boundary line segment data
This file contains grain boundary line segments extracted from 2D data for Cu in the reference state.
Download the data to your computer
Grain Boundary Character Distribution
This file contains grain boundary character distribution computed from the line segments from the reference sample.
Download the GBCD to your computer
Download the program used to compute the GBCD.
Grain Boundary Distribution plots and Images
A sample image of the reference microstructure.
Download more images of the reference microstructure.
The distribution of grain boundary disorientations for the Cu reference sample.
The distribution of grain boundary planes at the sigma 3 misorientation, 60° around [111].
The distribution of grain boundary planes at the sigma 9 and 27a misorientations.
The distribution of grain boundary planes at the sigma 11 and 27b misorientations.
Download the program used to calculate the disorientation distribution
Download the program used to plot the grain boundary character distribution at fixed misorientations