
Download program files. program.
Download sample data. data
Download lists of matched junctions (output). matches
Download visualization program. program to display matches.
Download image with junctions. image

This program analyzes lists of triple junctions on parallel layers and finds those that match based on the crystal orientations. The matched junctions can then be used to interpolate triple lines between the layers.

Program capabilities:
- It will process up to 1000 maps in a single run
- Using display_matches, it can produce maps (in postscript format) showing the triple junction segments of the two layers on the orientation map of the first layer.

As an example to show how the program works, we will will match triple junctions between 30 parallel EBSD maps of high purity Ni. These are the same lists of triple junctions produced by our example of find_tjs. The output of find_tjs, which is also the input for match can be retrieved at this link: triples

The folder should contain 30 text files named segments_Ni_triples_0NN.txt where NN are integers from 00 to 29.
The 30 files in this folder need to be moved to the folder match.
The next step is to configure the parameters in input.txt. These parameters are described in the lower part of input.txt.
The version of input.txt saved on this site is configured to run the files available at the link above, so do not change anything for this example.
Next, open a terminal window in the match folder. From here, you simply compile and run the program, as follows:

(base) GR20HUB2021:match gr20$ make clean
rm -f main.o sub.o sub2.o symmetry.o
(base) GR20HUB2021:match gr20$ make
gfortran -O3 -c -ffixed-line-length-none main.f
gfortran -O3 -c -ffixed-line-length-none sub.f
gfortran -O3 -c -ffixed-line-length-none sub2.f
gfortran -O3 -c -ffixed-line-length-none symmetry.f
gfortran main.o sub.o sub2.o symmetry.o -o match
(base) GR20HUB2021:match gr20$ match
version 06/17/2022
There are 947 triple junctions in file 0
There are 927 triple junctions in file 1
I found and wrote 836 matched triple junctions
There are 927 triple junctions in file 1
There are 970 triple junctions in file 2
I found and wrote 796 matched triple junctions
There are 970 triple junctions in file 2
There are 927 triple junctions in file 3
I found and wrote 825 matched triple junctions
There are 927 triple junctions in file 3
There are 915 triple junctions in file 4
I found and wrote 769 matched triple junctions
There are 915 triple junctions in file 4
There are 906 triple junctions in file 5
I found and wrote 741 matched triple junctions
There are 906 triple junctions in file 5
There are 894 triple junctions in file 6
I found and wrote 371 matched triple junctions
There are 894 triple junctions in file 6
There are 861 triple junctions in file 7
I found and wrote 571 matched triple junctions
There are 861 triple junctions in file 7
There are 811 triple junctions in file 8
I found and wrote 512 matched triple junctions
There are 811 triple junctions in file 8
There are 756 triple junctions in file 9
I found and wrote 473 matched triple junctions
There are 756 triple junctions in file 9
There are 749 triple junctions in file 10
I found and wrote 514 matched triple junctions
There are 749 triple junctions in file 10
There are 673 triple junctions in file 11
I found and wrote 459 matched triple junctions
There are 673 triple junctions in file 11
There are 646 triple junctions in file 12
I found and wrote 290 matched triple junctions
There are 646 triple junctions in file 12
There are 589 triple junctions in file 13
I found and wrote 436 matched triple junctions
There are 589 triple junctions in file 13
There are 587 triple junctions in file 14
I found and wrote 419 matched triple junctions
There are 587 triple junctions in file 14
There are 553 triple junctions in file 15
I found and wrote 368 matched triple junctions
There are 553 triple junctions in file 15
There are 551 triple junctions in file 16
I found and wrote 350 matched triple junctions
There are 551 triple junctions in file 16
There are 545 triple junctions in file 17
I found and wrote 398 matched triple junctions
There are 545 triple junctions in file 17
There are 560 triple junctions in file 18
I found and wrote 395 matched triple junctions
There are 560 triple junctions in file 18
There are 512 triple junctions in file 19
I found and wrote 373 matched triple junctions
There are 512 triple junctions in file 19
There are 523 triple junctions in file 20
I found and wrote 354 matched triple junctions
There are 523 triple junctions in file 20
There are 520 triple junctions in file 21
I found and wrote 332 matched triple junctions
There are 520 triple junctions in file 21
There are 509 triple junctions in file 22
I found and wrote 329 matched triple junctions
There are 509 triple junctions in file 22
There are 491 triple junctions in file 23
I found and wrote 348 matched triple junctions
There are 491 triple junctions in file 23
There are 495 triple junctions in file 24
I found and wrote 322 matched triple junctions
There are 495 triple junctions in file 24
There are 523 triple junctions in file 25
I found and wrote 355 matched triple junctions
There are 523 triple junctions in file 25
There are 491 triple junctions in file 26
I found and wrote 329 matched triple junctions
There are 491 triple junctions in file 26
There are 514 triple junctions in file 27
I found and wrote 309 matched triple junctions
There are 514 triple junctions in file 27
There are 592 triple junctions in file 28
I found and wrote 299 matched triple junctions
There are 592 triple junctions in file 28
There are 566 triple junctions in file 29
I found and wrote 297 matched triple junctions
Program complete
(base) GR20HUB2021:match gr20$

At the conclusion, 29 files will have been written. They are named segments_Ni_triples_matches_0NN.txt where NN are integers from 00 to 28. These are used for the next step of the processing and can be downloaded at matches if you want to compare to your result. However, it is always useful to check the efficacy of the process. You can use the program display_matches to create a postscript image of the triple junction matches on the orientation map to insure that the program works as planned. To do this, you will need to complete the following steps:
1. Download the program
2. To create the images, you will need the original *.ang files
and the lists of matched triple junctions. They must be in the folder, display_matches.
3. You will need to configure the input.txt file. The version of input.txt saved on this site is configured to run the files available at the link above, so do not change anything for this example. Note that the file is configured to make only one image, of map 20. Of course you can make images of them all, but this is enough to see if it is working.
4. Next, open a terminal window in the display_matches folder. From here, you simply compile and run the program, as follows:

(base) GR20HUB2021:display_matches gr20$ make
gfortran -O3 -c -ffixed-line-length-none main.f
gfortran -O3 -c -ffixed-line-length-none sub.f
gfortran -O3 -c -ffixed-line-length-none sub2.f
gfortran -O3 -c -ffixed-line-length-none symmetry.f
gfortran main.o sub.o sub2.o symmetry.o -o display_matches
(base) GR20HUB2021:display_matches gr20$ display_matches
version 06/17/2022
File Mod_Mod1_020.ang has 183848 lines.
File segments_Ni_triples_matches_020.txt has 2027 lines.
finding grains ...
Program complete

When the program completes, it will have written the file:
A section of is displayed below. In the image, each colored circle is an orientation point, colored by orientation, and the black lines are the grain boundary triple junctions on the top layer and the red lines are the grain boundary triple junctions on the bottom layer. note that matches are not detected at all triple junctions.

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