2022 Workshop on Methods for Three-Dimensional Microstructure Studies
This workshop concluded on Aug. 19, 2022
Link to the 2023 Workshop
Program Highlights
1) Five invited lectures by innovators of 3D techniques:
Jerard Gordon, University of Michigan: Evaluating grain scale deformation behaviors in complex concentrated alloys via synchrotron high energy diffraction microscopy
Amanda Krause, Carnegie Mellon University: Observations of grain growth with 4D x-ray diffraction microscopy
Victoria Miller, University of Florida: Capturing crystallographic texture and its evolution during processing
Krzysztof Stopka, Purdue University: Modeling fatigue using digital microstructures: Applications of DREAM3D
Long-Qing Chen, Penn State University: An efficient software tool for computing effective properties of 3D microstructures
2) Reconstruction of EBSD serial section data
3) Analysis of 3D microstructures
4) Generation of synthetic 3D digital microstructures, including surface meshing of grain boundary networks
5) Lectures on the latest developments in 3D microstructure science.
G.S. Rohrer, M. De Graef, A.D. Rollett, S. Donegan, M. Jackson
(Point of contact: rohrer@cmu.edu)
August 17-19, 2022
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Bosch Sparks Conference Room (Scott Hall 5201)
Page last updated August 20, 2022.