YSZ Grain boundary Energy Data
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MetadataThe data, results, and programs posted here are described more completely in the following paper:
Yu-Feng Shen, Shen Dillon, and Gregory S. Rohrer, "Grain Boundary Energies in Yttria Stabilized Zirconia," Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 105 (2022) 2925-2931.
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DOI: 10.1111/jace.18283
The 3D microstructure data used in this paper is contained in five Dream.3D data files. They are zipped into a single archive that can be downloaded here.
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The triangle data, the triple junction data, and the energy data is here:
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The grain volume data is here:
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All of the programs used to compute the results from the data are zipped into a single archive. The read_me file provides guidance for which program is used for which figures
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read_me file
some explanations are available in the read_me file.